Sunday, September 18, 2005

Knitting and Internet frustrations.

I am computer illiterate. I must confess. I am trying to make a new internet site and am very unhappy with my efforts so far. I am a long way off opening the online store unless I get some help. I got a site running this morning that has basic
information so atleast that is better than what the site has been saying for weeks.
As for knitting frustrations. I have been knitting a shawl for the Legion auction next week and I finally got it done. I cast it off and it is at least 12 feet long. I couldn't beleive it. I am taking it to Mom's on Monday so we can work on it together and try and make it into a wearable garment that can be auctioned off.
Of course I can't post pictures yet as I am not sure how. The method I used to use is gone and I haven't figured out how to post them using my new internet site yet.

Things will improve. I need my Son to come and visit he is great at all this internet business and he can usually show me how to do things like post pictures. Once I am shown I can do it but I sure can't figure it out on my own.

On the lighter side
The store was great fun yesterday. I met a few new people and had lots of visitors in the store. Everyone is starting to knit for Christmas so the store was really busy. I should start thinking about knitting for the Christmas craft fairs soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear you're going to have a website for the store. I'm not one to use ebay so this is good news. Looking forward to the announcement when it's done.