I guess I took a holiday from blogging. I have had a few people wonder whats going on and I realized I haven't blogged in a few weeks. I have been really busy.
Anyways back to blogging. I am still working on the Kauni cardigan( no recent pictures). It now has a buttonband and 1/2 a sleeve. I also bought a new loom/cat bed when I was at Gibson's and I have been playing with that a lot. I have a lot to learn about weaving but I am sure having fun. The cat didn't realize that loom falls into the same category as knitting. An absolute no no for cats. I think he really wondered what my problem was when I kicked him off the loom.
As for selling yarn I am in yarn sellers hell. The totally sold shipment of Kauni yarn is sitting in a customs office waiting to be cleared.
Luckily I have wonderful patient understanding customers, I would like to throw a party when the Kauni finally arrives but I will be too busy packaging yarn. I have lots of it coming so soon I should be able to get ahead of this yarn( I hope). Ruth's new pattern the
Autumn Cardigan is certainly a hit and there has been a KAL started on
I have lots of fun coming this fall.
Sept 18th we are starting a Spinnning group at the store on Tuesday morning 10 am. This should be fun and educational bring your wheel and come.
Sept 20th will be our monthly Knitter's night at my house - 701 Heriot Bay Rd 7 - 9 or so come and bring your knitting.
On Oct 3rd I will be selling yarn on Salt Spring Island at this
retreat. I will be meeting Lucy Neatby and that should be fun.
Oct 12th - 15th I am going to this
retreat as a participant. Doesn't that sound inspiring. I can't wait. I really need some relaxing and inspiring time. I think there is still room for more participants if anyone wants to join me for this wonderful weekend. I am getting a dorm room. I went last year and it was a wonderful break. The food was fabulous and the setting is completely serene so add everything fibre to that and I would define that as the perfect weekend
Oct 26th - 28th Fun Knits will be hosting this
retreat. That is going to be a lot of fun. So far we have about 35 people signed up and room for about 15 more so if you are interested act quickly.
Lots of fun activities are being planned for this. Stay tuned for lots more information on this.