Ever since the shipment of Kauni came in last week. The colour EL has been haunting me to knit it. It is a wonderful background colour for EQ. It has royal blue to purple to black then back to royal blue. I am making a top down sweater for Meika. This is going to be a little sweater and skirt set for her and I am hoping to get it done for her birthday on June 14th. I think I will make it as I can't put this down. I was quite worried about when the EQ yarn turns to purple and would it look OK, would it have enough contrast etc. Well I am at the purple and I think it is OK. The EL is just starting to turn from black to blue. The next section of EQ will be red so that should look really good with the deep blue. I am thinking the sweater will be long enough when I get to the royal blue and orange again. This is so much fun to knit. I am not sure what to do about the sleeves. I think I will try and match them. They will never match the body as they are knit with much less stitches around so the colour will change differently but I think I will match the sleeves to each other and start at the right colours in the sequence. More to come on that.
As for the skirt I am still thinking about designs for that. I am making it a size 4 so it fits her a while. It isn't exactly a summer outfit after all. Let me know if you like it Megan!!
In other knitting I got the 1st prayer shawl done last week. Thanks to everyone at the retreat that worked on it and added their warm healing thoughs while they knit on it. The recipient was delighted with it. I made it really big and it is more like a blanket. She loves it and curls up in it all the time.