Fun Knits has this amazing
Tuesday morning spinning group that has been meeting now for about eight months. Some of the members are shown in the photo below holding the purple shawl they demonstrated weaving at the North Island Sewing, Needle & Fibre Arts Show at the Campbell River Community Centre.
The group set up a pre-warped 36" loom and several spinning wheels on a stage-type platform and called the demonstration "Sheep to Shawl" providing examples of the basic process by which woven wool fabric is created.
the fleece was carded....
and spun.....
....and, had I remembered to take them, there would be photos here of plying the wool, winding it onto the bobbin, shuttling it across and through the warp, and sitting at the loom weaving. Fast forward a few hours, and the finished shawl is being taken off the loom....
talked about.....
fringe twisted...
and admired in all its pre-washed beauty.
The finished product is pictured (again) below.
Details are:
warp made from handspun multi-coloured Cherry Tree Hill roving
900 yards of two ply sett at a 50/50 weave, 6 epi and 6 ppi
59" x 24" after washing and drying (the shawl fulled beautifully)
6.5" fringe
We spent 5 hours weaving and 1 hour twisting the fringes. A wonderful project to be involved in as a group. The shawl has been donated to the Hospice Society's annual fundraiser.
In other news about our day at the show.....
We met up with lovely Kate (Fun Knits website master) and her adorable boy (so sorry I didn't grab a photo of you two) who was wearing a
striking sweater knit by his mom.
Also, the crazy talented Shan, of
Half Soled Boots was there with, get this, and look closely, her FIRST EVER handspun wool already half knitted up into a gorgeous lace patterned shawl.
During the last hour of the show a few of us ambled over to the next booth and fell seriously in love with the
Saori loom and the Saori philosophy of weaving.

Today at spinning, this ever-elegant knitter/spinner showed up with an almost completed blanket she's been knitting for a family reunion. It is absolutely gorgeous!!! She used Noro Silk Garden for the background and Rowan wool for the cabin squares -- very beautiful.

And, for an uplifting conclusion (be still my speeding heart).....
Shelley saw the charmingly humble, achingly poetic, legendary LEONARD COHEN on Sunday night in Vancouver!!!!!
If anyone ever deserved such a treat, it was most assuredly her!