I am also clearing out a few sock yarns. Here is a picture of all 10 collections that I have on eBay this week. They are starting at a low bid of $19.95. All the collections have 4 balls of yarn each and some colections contain silk, cotton and hand painted yarn. I have 1 Gedifra collection and it has 8 balls of yarn as they are 50gr. It was fun putting the collections together. I hope they go to good homes /stashes.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
EBay fun
I am also clearing out a few sock yarns. Here is a picture of all 10 collections that I have on eBay this week. They are starting at a low bid of $19.95. All the collections have 4 balls of yarn each and some colections contain silk, cotton and hand painted yarn. I have 1 Gedifra collection and it has 8 balls of yarn as they are 50gr. It was fun putting the collections together. I hope they go to good homes /stashes.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Combination knitting
Friday, August 25, 2006
Pictures galore
Yes you guessed it I got a new camera. Here are the last 2 pictures with my old camera. Helen, Marnie and Carol came to the store on Wed. to knit. They had a good time. Mom and I were pretty busy trying to rearrange the store, so we didn't knit very much. Helen finished the back of a cotton sweater, Marnie is knitting something, sorry Marnie I forget what. She is wearing Mom's sweater she made with the Marble yarn, Looks good on her. Carol is knitting her fuzzy socks. They are really soft and nice. Knit with Sisu yarn and eyelash yarn. Fun idea.
This is my new camera a Fuji S5200 and here are pictures I took with it. This is the trip from Campbell River to Quadra. It is about a 10 - 15 minute trip depending on who is driving the boat I guess. It was a bit cloudy and dull out but the pictures have good colour. They are very accurate. The picture program allows me to print on the pictures so that is fun. This view is much nicer when you can see all the mountain and it is sunny out.
I hadn't figured out the zoom by this picture yet or I would have zoomed on the house.
I could have zoomed in even more but didn't want to cut off the boat.
This camera has a lot of potential. I can't wait to start getting very accurate and detailed pictures of yarn. The new yarn I have is Online Highland sock yarn and I need to photograph it as it is quite new and no links to any pictures. It is a nice tweedy yarn in great colours. I will probably post it on the web site on Sunday.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Gibson's was a blast
We had a great time at Gibson's Fibre Festival. It was a lot of work but also a lot of fun. I met so many new people and a few customers that I only knew from the internet. It is so nice to finally meet face to face. Here are some pictures. The first 2 are of the Merchant Mall and if you look close you can see our booth. My Fun Knits sign is on the wall in the first picture between the white square and the black rack on the wall. These pictures were taken just before it opened.
Here is a close shot of the booth. It was really fun to hear people when they got to our booth say " OH wow Sock yarn". I sold tons of sock yarn.
Megan and I spent most of my days at the cash register, but I did get a little shopping done and a bit of knitting. We also chased Meika around. My husband had Meika most of the time and she was very busy. She is sleeping in her stroller in this picture under the bright orange shawl. When she was sleeping her stroller became a display rack.
Holli from Bees Knees came the last day. It was great to have the extra help and fun to chat with Holli.
This is what we did when we were done selling for the day. Megan knitting and Meika napping. The other lawn chair is mine with my new knitting bag full of knitting waiting for me. It was the only way to unwind after a long day of chatting and selling. After the picture was taken here we all fell asleep. Very relaxing.
On the last day when we tore the booth down we went out for dinner with our new friends, the owners of Knitopia in White Rock. We had a good time. We were all exhausted and starving by the time we were all packed. It was a fun show and I will definately go again next year. The only down part of the week was we came home to a burned out pump in our well and no water. It will be fixed within the week but wow is it hard to live without water. I am doing better about it today but yesterday was rough.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Off to Gibsons
Sunday, August 13, 2006
We had a great time at camp. All went well. When you travel with special needs kids things can go wrong in a big way but our trip was uneventful and therefore a huge success. We had a very full week of activities. Here are some pictures. I spent all week with Megan and Meika. Meika had just woke up in this picture and was a bit shy. She is very busy now running everywhere. So much fun to play with her.
This is the drumming event. A great event for deafblind kids. The vibration was fantastic in the drums. All the kids had a wonderful time. I even put down my knitting and played the drums for a while. It was great fun.The vibration in the huge drum was amazing. Even just simple talking could resonate in that big drum.
I spent lots of time visiting with the other families that come to camp. It is so nice to talk to them about the stuff we live with everyday. We had a planning meeting for my son as he is going to become an adult next year. This is called our transition year. He is going to be leaving school and start working, so this requires a lot of planning. The kids did lots of other activities at camp. They did arts and crafts daily, a scavanger hunt, went to Science World, had a visit from Cinemazoo and saw and pet all kinds of animals. On the last night we had a great bbq.
I got some time off and went to Granville Island, went to the show and out for dinner with my hubby. (Nice treat.) While at granville Island I met with Holli Yeoh, Bees Knees knits. I am going to be taking some of her new kits the Gibson's Fibre Festival next week. We had a nice visit and of course talked about knitting. She is going to try and come up to Gibson's too for a few days. One evening I met with my Yarn reps. It was more like show and tell. A few other people from camp came and it was fun. I am getting some very neat yarns soon. Will blog more about them once they arrive. Keep you in suspense. So it was a great week, and I am happy to be home. Now I have to pack up a ton of yarn and be in Gibson's on Wed. If anyone is going to be at Gibson's and has a special yarn request email me at shelmack@telus.net . I will be bringing a huge variety of yarn. Can't wait.
I got a bit of knitting done. I am nearly done the edge on my Noro silk garden pinwheel sweater. I got 8 pair of Toe Kozies knit and a new hat with buttons on it. No pictures yet. My camera is acting up a bit. I think I wore it out.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Off to Camp
I have lots of fun things planned aside from camp activities. I am meeting my yarn reps down there to look at all the new fall yarns and I am meeting Holli Yeoh of Bees Knees knits one day. That should be fun.We will see all of our kids and have a fun family week.
The store will have a few different hours this week.
Wed the store will close at 4:30. and Sat. the store will be open 10 am - 3:30 pm.
Any items purchased this week at the web store or at my ebay store will be mailed August 14th. I will try and get near a computer now and then.
I am taking lots of knitting of course but mostly for Toe Kozies. We need lots of these for selling at Gibson's next week.
See you when I get back
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Filberg fun and our version of bah bah black sheep
I had a great time at Filberg Festival yesterday. It was fun going to it and just looking around at leisure. There are so many talented people there. I only got a few pictures of the Sweatermaker booth. I forgot to empty my camera before left home so I hardly room for any pictures. There were several weaving, knitting and spinning booths there and of course that is where I went mostly. Judy's booth was great, she was right beside the guy who sells hand made drum, they are really neat but I'll bet that got old listening to the drums all day, poor Judy. Maybe she was too busy to notice. Everytime I went by her booth she was swamped with customers.
She has some great new yarns and this fall I will have all of her yarns available to buy online. She also has some great scarf kits. I am going to be taking all her yarn and kits to Gibsons Fibre Festival Aug 17-19, if she has anything left after Filberg
We finally got a minute to talk and I got a picture of Judy. She had a busy day. She will be there again today if anyone in the area is going.
Now here is tune that can stick in your head all day. This is Megan and Meika's version of Bah bah black sheep
Hey there Grandma have you any wool?Yes baby yes baby a million bags full
some for my home
some for my store
and some for me to knit forevermore
hey there Grandma have you any wool
yes baby yes baby a million bags full .
I think that should be my new theme song.
I am going to be away this week at camp with my Special needs guys. I don't have an eBAy auction on and any yarn that is purchased from my Web Store this week will be mailed monday Aug. 14th. I will try and get to a computer so I can answer emails. I think this is going to be a busy week.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
FLashy finger gloves done
I got 2 things done today. The gloves and a pair of socks for Meika.
I will post the sock pattern later in the week. I am too tired tonight to write it out. Both the gloves and the socks are made with Opal Saphir the Fun Knits sale yarn for August. I love the socks. I want to get her a pair of clear rubber boots to wear with them but her feet are too small for those yet.
Here is the glove holding a mini opal so you can get an idea how small they are. My last picture is my new signs for the Van. I want to wash my Van before I put the signs on but I can't seem to get that accomplished so I stuck the signs on my fridge for now. Huge fridge magnets - I like them.
August Sale yarn and Mini Opals
I am also offering the Mini Opals for sale at the Web Store. They are so sweet I am sure everyone will want those.
I also wanted to mention that I won't have an eBAy auction this week as I am going away next week and I am taking a break from eBAy. I will put an auction on once I come home. August is busy month for us.
Next week we are going to Deafblind camp in Vancouver with the kids and the week after that we are going to Gibson's Fibre Festival to sell yarn. Should be lots of fun and a very busy few weeks.