The internet sure does connect people all over the world.
My neice 8 year old Jessie arrived yesterday for a 2 week visit. My brother and his wife have gone off on a motorcycle trip to a big bike show in the States. Sounds boring to me but they are very excited, now if it was a yarn show I could understand.
She is so cute but she doesn't want to learn to knit. I will try and change that. We will see.
I gave her a little shawl I made last spring. It is made with hand dyed yarn and it fits her perfect. Here is Jessie wearing her new shawl.
Here is the back. her little lamb is wrapped in a fuzzy scarf.
My last picture of the day is what your house looks like after a rainy day at the market.
Nothing really got wet as we have a tent but it all gets damp, so I have to make sure everything is dry before it is put away for the next market. That is just the scarves. the sweaters are all hung up and the socks are over at the store. Mom's towels are waiting for the scarves to dry and then they get the couch next.
lots of fun. Pray for sunny Saturdays for the rest of the summer.