Sunday, December 30, 2007
A Huge Thank You
While we had all of the yarn out of the back room, my husband was busy building floor to ceiling shelves. They are wonderful and my back room will look so good now. I might even be able to find what I need when I need it now.
I will be happy to get this job finished.
I spent most of my time yesterday with Brenda and Stella helping count sock yarn. We have a lot of sock yarn. Really a lot. I also have 46 KG of Kauni. I know that thanks to Shannon.
Hopefully I will get this all done in time to reopen on Wed, Jan 2 if not please excuse the mess...
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Fun, Food and Family
First we put the Meika to work baking. She is making a pie for Grandpa here. Then we got the place all ready for Christmas. The Kauni stocking was filled with loot for Meika.
Christmas morning everyone got lots of presents and the kids all had fun. Then amongst the Christmas mess Meika painted a picture for me.
Mom made Megan a cute sweater for Christmas. It was the one on the cover of Cast on Magazine for fall. She loved it so mom knit it for her with Eco knits cotton. She loves it and it looks great on her.
I gave mom a Kauni felted hat and a 1/4 finished cashmere scarf. She loved both. The scarf will be done soon.
My son got his hat still on the needles too but I finished it during the day. Meika's sweater also got finished during the day and she wore it home on Boxing day.
It turned out really cute. Both the hat for my son and the sweater for Meika are my handspun so I am very happy with both of them
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Day 1 of my SALE
Anyways the reason for my post. I still have tons (literally) of yarn to sell. If you can't come in give me a call 1-250-285-2751 10 am - 5pm or email me with your order and I will call you.
The Sock yarn that is 40% off is Gedifra, Opal Element, Prisma and Rodeo, Regia Loop the rest is 25% off.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
HUGE Clearance Sale
Everything in the store will be 10% off
All sock yarn and novelty will be 25% off. Some of the sock yarns and novelty yarns will be up to 40% off.
Or else come in and buy yourself a nice Christmas present. Yarn, books, needles.
I will be taking phone orders from out of town shoppers 10 am - 5 pm Pacific time. 1-250-285-2751 or email me your order and phone # and I will call you.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Inventory Counting Party
Let me know if you want to come and play with yarn I mean count yarn, I will put your name down.
As for counting inventory - its not that bad. I just give you a list and point you to where to count. Knitter's are pretty good at counting.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Fun Knits Spring Knitting Retreat
Since it is Christmas and we are all broke I will take a $100 deposit to hold your place and your workshop of choice. Final payment is due before March 1, 2008.
The deposits can only be taken over the phone 1-250-285-2751 during store hours Tues - Sat 10am - 5pm Pacific time. 0r buy paying with paypal to and please include all your details.
I can't do the deposit on the web page. Believe me I had enough trouble making the Internet registration page work without trying to attempt that too.
This would make a great Christmas present for yourself!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The store looks Christmasy
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Felted Kauni Hat

Monday, December 03, 2007
Weather !!!! and Spinning
Saturday, December 01, 2007
We are Closed today
Yesterday's sale went great. I heard from lots of internet people - fun to talk to customer's from far away on the phone. The in store sale went great too and the sock yarn supply is somewhat depleted. I think a lot of people are getting socks this Christmas.
The store looks very Christmasy. Mom and Dad came over for the evening and we ate Pizza and drank tea. It was lovely.
I guess I have time to knit today. I am knitting about 5 projects. 3 socks, 1 lace scarf, 1 top down sweater for Meika knit with my handspun yarn. What shall I work on first...... off to knit
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sock Yarn Sale - Christmas in the Cove
All sock yarn will be 15% off. Since lots of our shoppers don't live close enough to come to our sale we are offering this sale to everyone.
You can take advantage of this sale 3 ways
1 - Come to the store - I'd love to see you - we will have goodies and I am giving out a neat little Christmas ornament kit.
2 - phone order 250-285-2751 - Pacific time - We are open 10 am - 9 pm tomorrow. Please check out the web site and have your order written out when you phone. We take Matsercard and Visa over the phone.
3 - internet orders - same as usual but - I will refund your paypal account 15%
Maybe you are asking yourself - Why am I having a sale
Two reasons - We have been in the new store for 1 year now. Also tomorrow is Christmas in the Cove. Every year on Quadra Island we have Christmas in the Cove. On our nice quiet little Island everything closes here about 5pm, the grocery store is open until 9pm but not many people veture out at night. Christmas in the Cove is different - Everyone comes out. It is a lot of fun.
See you then. Pray we don't get snow - Look at last year
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Kauni Christmas Stocking

Catching up
Now I am going way back to the Craft show at Abbotsford. I had these pictures and forgot to share them with you. They are so cute. We had a table set up with knitting needles on it so people could sit and make a little Christmas ornament. When Meika came of course she wanted to knit so she grabbed some needles and her Mom's name tag and started knitting it. So cute.
Onto my next new passion. I have been spinning a lot and I am improving. My first stuff was too embarassing to show pictures of. It was certainly novelty yarn. I am spinning this lovely merino from Louet called Northern lights in Grape Jelly colour. It is sooooooooo nice to spin. I plan to make Meika a sweater for Christmas so I better get busy. I have 1 skein spun, plied and ready and I figure I will need 3. I will keep you posted on how this goes.
The last picture is Sweetie wearing a newborn hat I made ( yes I washed it before I gave it to the baby). Sweetie is the abondoned cat we got a while ago. He certainly is fine now. He actually loved wearing the hat. I may make him one for Christmas but a little smaller. He still won't go outside unless someone takes him outside so he doesn't have much need for a nice noro hat.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Happy Birthday and Happy Retirement Mom!!!
Today is my Mom's 75th birthday. I am not sure she will be impressed that the entire knitting world know her age but I think she needs to be recognized for it and should be proud of it.
My Mom had work tirelessly with me at Fun Knits from the beginning of the store. She has put in many hours of hard work and made lots of sales. She mentioned that she is getting tired of working and would work until Christmas. Well I decided her 75th birthday was a good day to retire. Not bad most people retire at 65. Now Mom can come and hang out at the store and knit.
We are having an all day party at the store with cake and balloons. She has worked on Wed. since the store started and I am sure everyone will miss her.
I knit Mom a shawl with Noro Silk garden and am working on her 2nd sock. I am at the toe on her Warm and Fuzzy socks. We have a tradition in our family that gifts still on the needles are still gifts. Pictures will come later.
So for all you readers in blogland please join us today and wish Mom a Happy Birthday and Retirement. Any locals - come in and wish her Happy Birthday. We have great cake, snacks - lights, heat and hot tea (we have power at the store).
We had a huge storm here on the weekend and most people are still without power. hmm - I guess the ones without power won't get this today. Oh well leave belated greetings.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Sweatermaker Sock yarn
Yesterday I went to see Judy Maclean aka -Sweatermaker Yarns - , she had just finished dying some great sock yarn so once again I brought some home wet. I love the smell of drying yarn. This should be dry and ready to go to new homes this weekend. if you love it and want some let me know. I am going to Abbotsford next week to the BC's Creative Expo. This yarn is coming with me and I am sure it won't come back. Shan I have a fairly good match for your shawl and Coral here are the sock colours take your pick. I was also able to match up and get more of the mohair lace weight - just can't remember who that is for so if you read this drop by the store. I have your yarn.
I had a great visit with Judy. I left her with all kinds of yarn to dye for us. I will post it when I pick it up in a few weeks. We also talked about her workshop she will be doing at the next knitting Retreat. It sounds really good. I am just in the process of getting a few things organized and I will have the Spring knitting retreat registrations starting mid Dec. - So mark your calendar and don't make any plans (except you Lisa - you can have the baby) April 4-6, 2008
Monday, October 29, 2007
Fun Knits Fall Knitting Retreat
People started arriving about 3 pm on Friday as they arrived they were given tooth picks and a small ball of Hempathy yarn (just in case they forgot their knitting) They were asked to knit something using only the tooth picks and to show it on Sunday.
We had a nice Salmon buffet supper and then introductions. Then some of us went to the Yarn shop. Lots of yarn found new homes this weekend.
Sat Morning we went to the conference room and shared out ideas for some Christmas knitting.
Mom showed how to make her crochet top towels.
I had a Waffle weave washcloth made with Hempathy or cotton and a mitered Christmas ormnament to knit. Also a hat and leg warmers made of Bravo crazy colour.
Megan had her Toe Kozies and kits - they were a big hit.
We ate, ate, ate all weekend. Plenty of food and it was all great. On Sat night we had Prime Rib buffet. After the dinner we were entertained by Hal Douglas and Friend's band. They were just wonderful
Sunday morning we had a show and tell. Lots of wonderful garments. I couldn't get my camera to work right so I didn't get many pictures of this.
Remember the little balls of yarn and tooth picks I told you about. Well here is some of the finished items. These knitters are very talented and such good sports.
Thanks to everyone who came and made the Retreat such a fun success.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Well that was fun!!
Actually I am too tired to blog - tomorrow I will tell you all about it
Monday, October 22, 2007
Busy, busy, busy etc...... Oh also a SALE!!!
There are 38 people coming to the retreat. It is going to be a lot of fun. Can't wait.
Now back to the sale. Everything in the store will be 10% off except books and patterns. Lots of the sock yarn will be further reduced and novelty yarn will be slashed. I am also clearing out of a few of the yarns in store and they will be greatly reduced. So you don't want to miss this sale. It is just in time for gettting ready for Christmas.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Great Weekend
Friday, October 12, 2007
Off on another knitting/ weaving/ spinning adventure
Plans for our retreat are coming along nicely. We still have a few spaces left if anyone want to come. It is close to full.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
What fun I had

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Knitter's night
These are the pictures from our 1st knitter's night of the season. We met 2 Thursday's ago. Look at all that nice knitting and all the nice hand knit socks on people's feet. Marni has her kauni nearly done and it looks great. She did hers in EG and EK. Great combination.
My Kauni is on the table. I have actually been working on it this weekend and have the sleeves done. Now I m deciding on what to do with the button band. I am definitely going to steek it and knit it in the round. I am still deciding on my design for the buttonband. I don't want buttons but I want the clasp closures instead. I will show pictures of it once I am done.
Tomorrow I am heading off the Salt Spring Island for a few day. Be back on Thursday. If I am slow answering emails that is why. I'm gone. I will be busy hanging out with great knitter's and designers. WOW what fun.