Here is a picture of the outside of the store at night. I will try and get a day shot.

They have started working on the New store already so I wasn't able to get any real before shots. They have the new wall studs in and the wiring. They have also cut the wall to get access to the back of the store. Such great progress. The wall with the arch doorway was solid yesterday.
This picture is from the front door looking to the back of the store. It is a long and narrow store as you can see.

This picture is from the back of the store looking toward the front door. My husband is at the front door measuring. We are starting to figure out where things should go in the store. The oak cabinets with glass tops are amazing. My Mom and Dad bought those for me. What a wonderful gift. They are going to be the center of the store and be our checkout and workstation. They will hold a lot of stuff. We hope to be open by Nov 30th.
SO exciting, can't wait to see it all come together!
Things look to be going well! Hopefully I will get up before the new year!
It's going to be beautiful! Congratulations.
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