Her name is Meika Layne Shaflik. She is the cutet baby I have ever seen (could be a bit partial) and she is very good. She already sleeps for 4 hours during the night. My daughter doesn't know how lucky she is.
The little newborn hat and sock sets were a big hit in Vancouver. I sold out of the ones my daughter didn't take for Meika.
Here are some pictures of her in the little hat and sock sets.
This is Meika in a hat and sock set made from Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock yarn. She is wearing a shirt from her Dad's band Catapult.
Meika is modeling the Opal Petticoat set I made her.
And last of all here is a picture of Meika sleeping peacefully under the Heirloom shawl that Mom made for her out of Regia Silk. Notice how little she is. She is only taking up 1 square of the shawl and there are 16 squares in it. Lots of room to grow there.
Now that I am home things are slowly coming back to order. Thanks for everyones kind understanding about the delays in last weeks auction shipping. The last of the parcels are going out this morning.
Coming from a completely neutral source.....I think you're right. She just might be the cutest baby ever. She is just beautiful. And very well dressed, I might add. The heirloom shawl is outrageous. Congratulations!
Congratulations on your grand-daughter! She is precious! And those newborn sets look great on her. :) And, wow, the shawl is beautiful (though not quite as beautiful as the baby) ...
Happy knitting!
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