Here she is checking out Ming. She isn't sure about her. Prorbably wondering why she is so quiet. Notice they are about the same size now. Meika is 18 lbs.
Helen was in the store on Sat. and brought in her sweater to show. It is wonderful. She knit it with Cherry Tree Hill brushed mohair and Rowan Kid Soft. It turned out beautiful and is very soft. She looks great in it. I love the way the sweater is joined at the front.
This is going to be a busy week. The store will be closed on Sat. Feb 25th as we will be at the North Island Sewing and needle Craft Show in Campbell River. This will be at the Campbell River Community Centre, 401 11th St. between 9am and 5 pm. Should be a busy fun day. I will have lots of yarn there to sell, Lots of sock yarn, Opal, Regia, Fortissima, Lorna's Laces, Cherry Tree Hill, plus Noro, Mango Moon, Rowan Kid Soft, Silky Wool, Fiddlesticks Country Silk, Collinette Giotto and Isis etc...... and a great selection of Novelty yarns. I will also be bringing a good selection of Sweatermaker yarns including a new beaded yarn, and some new hand dyed merino in fingering and lace weight. Those alone will make the trip worth it to check out our yarns at the Market Place. Hope to see you there.
Meika is so cute. Enjoy your time with her. I wish I could come to the needlecraft fair. Would be fun!!!! Speaking of baby size.... Jonathan is almost 8 lbs now. He packed on 12 ounces in the last week.
Meika keeps getting cuter and cuter, who'd have thought that was even possible? Love her eyelashes!
Looking forward to the needlecraft fair, see you then. I hope you have some of the LL Quadra colourway, I've decided to knit it for my Sockaploooza pal.
Looking forward to seeing you and your mobile store on Saturday... if you've got room in your vehicle could you bring the Colinette tasselled shawl I saw last weekend at FK? I would love to look at it again, show it to my mom, maybe think about making it for my sister. Thanks!
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