2006 was a good year in many ways. My family was all healthy and well including my special needs son who is unwell a lot.This is the first year since he has lived with us, ( nearly 17 years now) that he didn't have any hospital stays. Cool eh!
My store was great. Here are a few knitting highlights of 2006
Had the store 1st anniversary
Won the Gold prize at elann for my Pinwheel sweater design
Got my Web Store up and running
Got a pattern published in Magknits
Got another pattern published in Knitty
Moved to my new and bigger store with a huge back room
Met lots of great knitters this year. Went to a few shows with the yarn.
Gibson's Fibrefest
Victoria Knitout
Campbell River Sew and craft show
This year I am going to
Campbell River Sewing and Craft show Feb.23-24
Victoria Sewing and Craft show March 1-3
International fibrefest in Abbotsford in May
and Gibson's Fibrefest in Aug
It should be a fun year.
Plans for the store this year
I am going to contuinue to organize the new store.
I am going to get Web Cam shopping happening very soon. It will be available on Thursday, Fridays and Saturday. This will be a really fun feature in the store. No matter where you live you can come into the store real time via web Camera and get help with your purchases. For example. I had a customer the other day wanting to match colours for a Bees Knees pattern and it would be so easy for her to make choices of colour combinations over the web cam in real time instead of e-mailing back and forth. I am excited about this and it will be coming soon. Internet shopping with customer service.
I am going to rearrange the Web Store and organinize my web site a bit better.
I am going to design lots more patterns.
I am going to set up our gift section of the store to sell the items we make, Socks, sweaters Toe Kozies etc also set up my special needs son's day program and get his items selling in the Gift section also.
It looks like it will be another busy year. I like to keep busy so this should be a great year.
Lastly but certainly not least. I am going to really enjoy having my daughter Megan and Gran daughter Meika living here on Quadra. Megan and I are doing a great trade on Fridays. She is working in the store and I get to play with Meika all
I will leave with some very cute pictures I took last night at out family New Years party. This my cousin's 2 year old dancing with Mieka ( very cute) and Meika saying Hi to everyone.
Wow, it's great that Megan and Meika are going to be living so close. Did they get tired of the big city or something?
That is one pretty little baby-how lucky you are to have her so close!
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