First we wound the bobbins. Then we got started weaving with a filler yarn to fill up the space before the real weaving starts. Meika crawls under the loom and works the foot pedal with her hands. I told her when to change sheds - After about 3 times she announced
" Grandma you don't need to tell me anymore. I get it" and she did get it.
Then she threw the shuttle and beat the weaving. I had to help her a bit with the beating so she didn't make it too tight. Once I showed her she got that too.
She needs to grow quite a bit to operate the loom from the seat but she tried. The last picture is about 15" woven on the blanket. It is quite vibrant as you can see. I would expect no less from Kauni EQ. You may notice the weave is fairly loose but this will change when the blanket is fulled. I love it and hope to finish it today and twist the fringes tomorrow then full it. It is 52" wide on the loom and I am weaving 7 ft so fulled it will likely be about 48" X 6 1/2 ft.
***WOW*** Shelley - it's spectacular. and Meike is the cutest kid ever! Can't wait to see the finished product. Shall I bring the fringe twister?
wow Shelley, this is wonderful. I live the colour combinations. your warping look impeccable. Diane YF
What a great post, and again such a beautiful burst of colour in this grey February world.
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