Here is a picture of my new kitten (maybe). We have always had stray cats adopt us and have never chosen a kitten. Megan's cat had 4 kittens 2 weeks ago and I would love one of the kittens. I really like the little black one with white face and black chin spot. This cat is also the runt. It is sooooooo sweet.
On the knitting front. I am really busy packing yarn to go to Fibrefest International in Abbotsford. I will be selling yarn May 11-12 so if you are in the area please drop by my booth and say Hi.
The next month is going to be very busy too. I am going to Edmonton on a shopping spree with my Mom, Megan and Meika the last week in May. I'm looking forward to that.
In June we are going to the Victoria Fiberfest and Knitout. This is going to be great fun. Fun Knits is sponsoring the knitout this year. Since we are the sponsor Fun Knits staff get VIP seating at the Yarn Harlots presentation on the Saturday night. I am looking forward to meeting her. Sunday is the Knitout which was very fun last year. I had a booth (tent) and sold lots of sock yarn. This year should be even better. So watch for updates as these events come and go.
Let me know what you think. Should I get the kitten. I already have 3 cats and 1 stray that we feed.
Get the kitten, get the kitten........ sometimes they just speak to you. :-)
Can't wait to see you at FiberFest. I'll be there on Saturday in the morning but probably won't be able to be around too long because we have appointments in the afternoon. I'll have the little man with me while Evan is taking Little Miss to skating and ballet.
You're probably too busy for a personal visit........ if the weekend was longer, I'd insist on having you at my house for dinner.
Wow, Meika is growing so fast!
I will look for you in Victoria in June - the CR group will be there too.
Take care.
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