Saturday, September 15, 2007

Knitting on my Kauni Cardigan

I am finally back to knitting on my Kauni Cardigan. I couldn't knit on it while I was waiting for that yarn to arrive. That seemed like such a betrayal to all the people waiting for yarn. Now that it is come I am knitting again. I don't like the purple yellow combination I am knitting right now and it is going to change to green and red, we will see how that looks. I decided a while ago that the colours for the sleeves can do what they want and I am not matching my sleeves at all.
I got in 2 new colours with this shipment. The EM (reds) and EZ(turquoise) both are wonderful alone but I think they go really nicely together. I think that will be another combination I will make a sweater out of. I really love this yarn. Can you tell.

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