Here is a picture of the socks I have knit so far.
The are (left to right) Fortissima 9094, Opal Petticoat, Opal Springtime, Regia Cotton 4086, and Opal Magic Turquoise.
I love the new Opal petticoat. It is such nice soft colours and the yarn seems extra soft too.
Tomorrow I hope to get a few more pair of socks done. I have to decorate the store window with socks for the sale. This should be fun. I hope a lot of people come.
I also got 2 more squares done on the baby afghan this week only 2 left to go.
My daughter's baby dropped the other day and she is getting lots of false labour. Her Midwife thinks she may deliver early. Her due date is June 17th. Hopefully the afghan will be done in time. Mom and I may have to do some speed knitting if that baby comes early.
Thanks for your kind comments about my son walking. He is still doing good and making very slow but steady progress.
Hi Shelley. Sorry to say, I won't be able to make your sale, as I had already made other plans. Don't sell all of the Petticoat though, I'll want some. Not sure when I'll get over though, hopefully it will be before Uli's visit though.
The co-worker I'm crocheting the blanket for is due June 17th too.
The Petticoat is just awesome. Hope you'll still have some by the time I get up there this summer. Have a good sale.
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